The Football Game

Football is the very game we all grew to love. From playing in our backyards, and as we take it to the field as boys and young men. Football is incredible. There is absolutely nothing out there like this game. Think about all the time we spend watching football. Of course, we love it, and we want to be part of it…now we can. QB54, has revolutionized of what we know of how we play football. When anyone brings out the QB54, it draws attention. Anyone can take it the park, the school field, the beach or any church grounds, and especially anyone’s backyard. Almost no location is off limits.

The Football Game

The Football Game:

It doesn’t matter where you enjoy sports, this is the perfect competitive pack and play set to take and utilize at any field or backyard. I remember when I was a kid, all of the neighborhood kids and I used to play street football. We imagined being our favorite NFL teams, personifying our favorite football idols. It was fun but limited. All we could do is pretty much go out for passes and that’s just about it. With QB54, you have so depth to playing the game of football. You can block, kick the extra point, take a knee, or throw the ball into the basket. This is what makes the game of football so much more fun, adding unique rules and aspects to the game versus just passing the ball to the most talented player on the field.

The football game you are seeing here is the only football game on the market. We can be the most enthused fans of football, when we are really in tune with the game. From pee wee league to high school, to the NFL; this is how you play the game. This is a way to bring family and friends all together. Check it out:

Get Your “Take Anywhere” Set Here:

QB54, is SO AWESOME! The chairs are very portable and easy to set up. Anyone of any gender and age can enjoy QB54. GET IT ALREADY!

Lightweight, you can easily take QB54, ANYWHERE. You don’t even need an SUV transport everything you need to have competitive fun. Be the star at family reunions, church functions, or any campgrounds and have honorable bragging rights to remember.


Get the word out and let’s all play together and be sure to share on any social media platform. This is fantastic! QB54 football is for everyone to love and participate in. It can be done anytime, almost anywhere thanks to this amazing and competitive solution for fun.